
Once upon a time, the Good Life Cafe of Crenshaw and Exposition was known worldwide for its humanitarian politics and endeavors. Numerous articles have been written, a tv show was produced on Fox, and famous personalities like Marla Gibbs, Denzel Washington, Lindsay Wagner, Rosa Parks, and Maya Angelou stopped in to dine on organic eats, and have a chat with the proprietors (IfaSade, Janie Mae Scott-Goodkin, and Omar, Dr. Phillip Walker) on the latest vanguard sciences.

This place was not normal. This was not a place, it was an experience; something that stuck to your insides. It was transformative for people of backgrounds stretching from the American experience to literally Timbuktu.

Good Life, in its heyday, was a culture and a movement centered around community, and reaching towards concepts of enlightenment that had not been attained by our communities since before the fall of Earth’s ancient ones.

Though IfaSade is no longer with us in body, the Good Life’s work goes on.

The Good Life of Cren-Expo Plaza


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